Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2: What is this "fieldwork" you speak of?

The Mission 2014 Professor, Sam Bowring, managed for quite a while to keep us in the dark about what our “fieldwork” in India would entail. It was nice to finally be briefed on what we would be looking at as the piece de resistance of our trip here- and it sounded as exciting as it promised to be.

The Earthwatch member Indu briefed us on the three primary components of the fieldwork we’d be doing: land use surveys, agro-forestry surveys and household surveys, in the neighboring village of Hallusarige. The names are self-explanatory: we would be carrying out analyses based on Indian Institute of Sciences guidelines. We would be divided into three teams (named after the three primary crops in the area), and go through three fieldwork allocations over the next three days. Another Earthwatch team member briefed us on some precautions we would have to take, including guidelines on how to deal with snakes, leeches, and other species that I would rather not encounter. The fieldwork seemed important, but hard.

Over the next few days we’ll be blogging about our experiences in the field: our struggles, our successes, our sojourns with the locals and the Earthwatch team. Stay tuned to see what results and experiences we come up with!

Signing off,


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