Sunday, March 20, 2011

How can a cow change your future?

Horoscope for Starsign Leo in Bangalore Times (20th March, 2011) :

"This is a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to communicate to others what you really want...blah blah...*irrelevant stuff* ....Feeding jaggery to a brown cow may be beneficial to your health."

Wow. We have truly arrived in India.

Welcome, Terrascopers, to the erstwhile land of the snakecharmers and elephants - today, the hub of information technology and avant-garde scientific research. Welcome to the country of diversities as wide as the Pacific - where one passes the largest slum in Asia on the way to the school owned by the third-richest family in the world. Welcome, eager beavers, to my motherland - where we believe 'Attithi Devo Bhava': Guest is greater than God.

Remember, everything you have heard about India is probably true. And so is the opposite.

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